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Thank you for your interest

We will be running an induction workshop in February for people expressing an interest in the course. It is our intention to pitch this at a variety of musical levels.

The first workshop will be for adults who have little or absolutely no musical knowledge or experience

There is no need to know anything whatsoever about music, singing or fitness.

We will offer a slightly higher level course for those of who have done a little bit of singing at a later date.

The first workshop will last 3 hours and will form the basis of a choir which will run weekly For 2 hours.

The sessions will consist of physical body warm ups and stretches and these will be led by a level 3 fitness instructor. Lyds fitness : see her on google followed by vocal warm ups and technical exercises followed by musical and singing coaching which is led by the national and internationally respected singing consultant Pius Hume. Involving group singing in different musical genres.

In all these sessions you will receive training in voice production, abdominal breathing, musical development, body awareness and music reading.

The cost of the workshop will be £15 and when you have experienced the workshop and decided whether or not you would like to continue into the choir vocal training sessions you will be able to sign up at that point.

The cost of the weekly sessions is £15 per person per session. It is a six week course payable in advance (£90) and will be for 12 to a maximum 15 people.

We can’t give you a precise date or venue yet as we will have to wait to see what the numbers will be.


Let us know your age group (30s,40s,60s 80s,etc) and your level of singing experience If any.

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have or if you might need advice on anything that needs clarification.

Kind regards

Pius Hume

Singing is amazing!

Did you know that singing can benefit you in so many ways.

Here are just a few; some you might expect others you might not,

Singing as a treatment for respiratory diseases:

*interstitial lung disease, cystic fibrosis, asthma, bronchiectasis and COPD

Dr Barth (1998) found that singers take in more oxygen than other persons, specifically 4000 to 5000 cubic centimeters of air in a single breath (in comparison to the 3200 cubic centimeters of their non singing counterparts


Grape et al. found that a 30 minute singing lesson significantly increased levels of oxytocin; a hormone commonly linked with the induction of labour which is also associated with the improvement of memory in both men and women and the reduction of pain and anxiety.

Immune system

Kreutz (2004) found that singing increased the levels of secretory immunoglobulin A, the first line of defence against bacteria, food residues, yeast, parasites and viruses.

Mental health

Fancourt et al. (2016) found an increase in positive mood and a decrease in stress after singing for those experiencing anxiety and depression

There is more but that’s enough for now. See our Blog (arriving soon) for more detailed analysis and information